Clinical Services

Specialty services include differential diagnosis and management of:

  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ/TMD)
  • Teeth Grinding and Clenching (Bruxism)
  • Lock Jaw, Spasm, and Oromandibular Dystonia (Involuntary Jaw Movement)
  • Masticatory and Cervical Musculoskeletal pain (Myofascial Pain)
  • Headaches attributed to TMJ/TMD
  • Neurovascular and Neuropathic pain (Trigeminal Neuralgia, Traumatic Neuropathy)
  • Secondary Malocclusion associated with TMD (Bite Change)
  • Ear Pain/Tinnitus
  • Primary Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Common procedures include: 

  • Customized Oral Appliance Therapy for TMD (MORA, mouth guard,  intraoral splint)
  • Customized Dental Sleep Appliance Therapy for OSA
  • Pharmacological Management
  • Manual Therapy/ Manipulation for acute  locking episodes 
  • Physical Medicine
  • Trigger Point Injection
  • Botox Injection
  • Self-care Instruction and Relaxation Training


Insurance companies often defer treatment of TMJ disorders and Orofacial pain to Oral Surgeons and surgery tends to be an option for an extremely small number of patients.  We strongly encourage you to call your insurance company before our initial session to verify your out-of-network benefits: CPT code 99204 (new patient consultation) from your medical insurance or D0160 from your dental insurance, as Dr. Lu is an out-of-network provider at this location. If you have out-of-network coverage,  we can provide you with an itemized receipt (superbill) that you may submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.  

For appointment and questions, please call us at 617-731-1200