About Dr. Chao Lu


Dr. Chao Lu

TMD, OSA & Orofacial Pain Specialist


Dr. Chao Lu is a TMD/Board-certified Orofacial Pain specialist with over 14 years of clinical experience in treating a variety of TMDs, orofacial pain, and headache patients. He is also a Diplomate of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine to provide dental sleep appliance therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea patients.

Dr. Lu graduated from Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM) and has been an Associate Professor in the Craniofacial Pain Center at Tufts Dental School since 2010. He supervises pre-doctoral/post-doctoral students/residents and provides clinical care focusing on areas of TMD, neuropathic pain, chronic face pain/headache management, and dental sleep appliance management of obstructive sleep apnea. Dr. Lu is a member of the American Dental Education Association, American Dental Association, American Board of Orofacial Pain, and American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine.

Dr. Lu also led the successful approval of the initial Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) for Tufts Post Graduate Orofacial Pain Residency Program in 2016. He served as the first Program Director for this accredited residency program from 2015 to 2020 and provided multidisciplinary clinical pain training sessions/rotations to an annual total of 200+ Predoc., GPR, AEGD, OM, OFP, and postdoc. levels of students and residents at TUSDM.
Dr. Lu currently provides clinical services at Tufts Craniofacial Pain Center and accepts new patients at Brookline Dental Associates.

Training & Credentials

Selected Publications & Research Activities

  • Lu C., Guerrero P., Maloney G.E. Immediate Risk Stratification for an Orofacial Pain Patient with Carotid Artery Stenosis- A Case Report. Poster abstract was accepted at American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) 2020 Scientific Meeting.
  • Lu C., Singh H., Kilar A, Maloney G.E. A Case Report: Multidisciplinary Management of Delayed Occurrence of Trismus and Dysphagia for an Oral Cancer Survivor. Poster abstract was accepted at: American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) 2020 Scientific Meeting.
  • Lu C., Alalwan A.H., Maloney G.E. An Effective Treatment for a Rare Complication of Herpes Zoster Infection: Myofascial TMD and Secondary Malocclusion with Postherpetic Neuralgia- A Case Report. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache Winter 2020, Volume 34, Issue 1. Poster abstract was presented at: American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) 2019 Scientific Meeting; 2019 May 2-5; San Diego, CA.
  • Malacarne A, Spierings ELH, Lu C, Maloney GE. Persistent Dentoalveolar Pain Disorder: A Comprehensive Review. J Endod. 2018 Feb;44(2):206-211.
  • Weiner SG, Yannopoulos PF, Lu C. Chronic Pain Patients’ Impressions of an Emergency Department Opioid Prescribing Guideline Poster. Pain Med. 2015 Sep;16(9):1759-63.
  • Lu C, Maloney GE, Alalwan AH. Improving Outcomes in Consideration of the Opioid Epidemic: A Non-Opioid Treatment Plan in a Patient with Persistent Dento-Alveolar Pain Disorder (PDAP)-A Case Report. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache Fall 2018. Volume 32, Issue 4. Poster abstract was presented at: AAOP 2018 Scientific Meeting; 2018 April 26-29; Chicago IL.
  • Lu C, Maloney GE, Alfirdous R, Alrefai Successful multidisciplinary management plan for temporomandibular disorder and obstructive sleep apnea: a case report. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache Fall 2017 Volume 31, Issue 4. Poster abstract was presented at: AAOP 2017 Scientific Meeting; 2017 May 4-7; Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Lu C, Maloney GE, Spierings E.L.H. Dental Manifestation of Myasthenia Gravis Initially Diagnosed as Dentures with Insufficient Vertical Dimension of Occlusion. Poster abstract was presented at: AAOP 2015 Scientific Meeting; 2015 May 7-10; Denver, CO.
  • Lu C, Maloney GE, Alfirdous R; Acute Onset of Bilateral Partial Facial Paralysis with Jaw Pain Secondary to Lyme Disease, Initially Diagnosed as Myofascial Pain and Bruxism. Poster abstract was presented at: AAOP 2015 Scientific Meeting; 2015 May 7-10; Denver, CO.
  • Lu C, Maloney G, Mehta N. Atypical Odontalgia: A Case Series of Effective Peripheral Management. Poster abstract was presented at: AAOP 2014 Scientific Meeting; 2014 May 1-4; Las Vegas, NV.
  • Abstract presentations at IADR/AADR scientific meeting and Bates day research meetings at TUSDM in 2019:
    • Sertraline Induced Focal Oromandibular Dyskinesia with Facial Pain – A Case Report. Authors: Reimy Evangelista De Leon: George E. Maloney; Chao Lu,
    • Myofascial Pain Mimicking Trigeminal Neuralgia – A Case Report Authors: Chao Lu; George Maloney; Priyanka R, Monga.   
    • Screening Instrument for Opioid Risk in General Dentistry: Initial Questionnaire Construction, IRB Approved in November 2014, Chao Lu, Co-Investigator
    • Pilot Study of Oral Appliance Treatment for Severe Sleep Apnea Patients presented at American Dental Sleep Medicine Annual Meeting 2012, Chao Lu, Co-Investigation

For appointment and questions, please call us at 617-731-1200